Park City Women’s Business Network Fall Fundraiser
ShutterBooth is a proud sponsor of the 2010 Fall Fashion Fundraiser for the Park City Women’s Business Network.
Haute Fashion, Glamorous Gifts, Fantastic Friends… A Girl’s Night Out presented by the Park City Women’s Business Network is the charity event of the fall fashion season. This year’s fashion show and auction will be held at The Chateaux in Deer Valley on Thursday October 7, 2010.
This spectacular fundraiser is a celebration filled with the latest women’s and men’s fashions and designs for home and entertaining from our local retailers, restaurants and resorts all brought together for one exciting evening filled with music, food and friends.
The evening will begin with cocktails and plenty of food as guests browse and bid on silent auction items followed by a fashion show and exciting live auction featuring the greatest from the 2010 Fall Fashion Season as presented by the most fashionable boutiques in Park City and Salt Lake. Participating boutiques: Mary Jane’s, Flight, Bunya Bunya, Albert Chloe, Apt. 202, Prospect, Barr-EE Station, CJ Sport, CAKE, Solissa’s…just to name a few
The most important aspect of A Girl’s Night Out is the money raised for charity. All proceeds from the event are used to grant scholarships and help fulfill some of the needs of college-bound women from Park City High School’s graduating class of 2011. Through the years pcWBN has raised over $74,000 for 40 graduates. Each year the heartfelt gratitude and stories from the parents and recipients motivate us to provide a lively event. Some graduates are even participating in this year’s fashion show.
As a member of this wonderful organization, this event is near and dear to our hearts. We hope to see many of you there and in our photo booth! Buy your ticket today!