Annie and Rae’s Graduation Party

Annie and Rae, of Ann Arbor, celebrated their graduation of high school in style with friends and family.  The backyard party was an intimate gathering, but a ton of fun!

The sun fought off the clouds, and the class of 2013 spent the afternoon socializing, listening to music, eating great food, and using the ShutterBooth!

The food options were incredible – with multiple waffle makers available (whipped cream and fresh fruit offered as toppings), donuts, bagels and pitchers of fresh juice.  The napkins and cups being used displayed the girls’ names on them for personal touch.  Round tables, with beautiful flowers as centerpieces, were spread across the yard, which allowed the graduates to relax.

It was pretty great to listen to the future leaders of America (headed to Yale, ASU, Lake Forest College, U of M, Penn, etc. after the summer) talk to each other about the things they wanted to accomplish.  They were proud of their recent accomplishments, and anxious to move forward with their incredible goals.  They seemed excited, prepared, and mature enough to handle the future —- all while constantly goofing around with ShutterBooth props!

Good luck, Graduates.

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