Catherine and Bryan

2013. (2)

Catherine and Bryan had a fabulous reception at the Inn at St. Johns of Plymouth.  Just under four hundred guests filled the Grand Ballroom to help celebrate these two, and their future together.

During the cocktail hour, guests mingled as a violinist played.  The entire event was extremely elegant, but the crowd also knew how to party!  The wedding cake had a Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers logo on it – obviously, even true love won’t get in the way of division rivalry.

The decor was stunning, which included a large wooden heart with glasses frames all over it.  The crowd couldn’t take their eyes off of it.  And just when things started to quiet down, a special guest made an appearance: Paws, the Detroit Tigers mascot.  ShutterBooth loved running into him again, and want to thank him for stepping into our booth.