Don’t Miss Out

Unfortunately, today we had the unpleasant experience of having to inform a potential client that we could not have a booth available for their wedding day. It’s heartbreaking for us, because the bride was so excited to have a ShutterBooth for her big day as she’d had a blast in the booth at three friends’ weddings.

Her wedding date had already been booked solid for a couple of months, and she called us today ready to put down her deposit and secure her booth. When we told her the news, she was crushed.

We’re posting this to let you know that ShutterBooths do go quickly and there are a couple dates in 2011 which are one booth away from becoming fully booked – and we are currently booking for dates in 2012 and 2013.

As sad as we feel for this bride; learn from her mistake! Book early! If you have your heart set on a ShutterBooth, the time to book is now because we can’t promise we’ll be available forever!

If you want to speak further about a ShutterBooth experience or want to customize a package, please schedule a time today to come into our office for a brief meeting!