Brides Against Breast Cancer & The Colorado Bridal Show

Brides Against

Bridal Show realThis weekend was all about meeting brides and getting people to see what all the ShutterBooth fuss is about. We did just that at Brides Against Breast Cancer on Saturday and the Colorado Bridal Show on Sunday.  Brides Against Breast Cancer is an amazing organization that allows brides to find the dress of their dreams while making wishes come true for breast cancer patients. It was a thrill to be part of such a wonderful cause and to see bride’s faces after they found the perfect dress. Each bride carrying the sought after garment bag came back down to the reception area with a true glow. Each talking about “just knowing it’s the one”. As a girl…and a woman who found the perfect dress…I can absolutely say that it is a truly incredible feeling when you put on THE DRESS and you just know that you are done searching. You’re done searching for not only the dress that makes you feel like a true bride, but also the man who makes you want to be his wife.  Sunday was all about the Grand Hyatt Hotel in beautiful downtown Denver and giving brides the opportunity to pose for photos with our bridal props at the Colorado Bridal Show. It was a great ShutterBooth weekend as we prepare to finish out 2009 and hit 2010!