Navigators Stamford KIC IT Triathalon

Do you “run for fun”? How about run for a good cause? We were so honored to be part of a wonderful event this past weekend- the Navigators Stamford KIC IT Triathalon, an event that benefits Kids In Crisis, Connecticut’s only free, round-the-clock crisis counseling center and emergency shelter for children ages newborn to 17.


This fundraising event included a 5K, 10K, Sprint Triathalon, Kids Triathalon and an Olympic Triathalon, all ending with a spectacular finish at Mill River Park where they held a Family Festival. The festival included music, entertainment, rides, food and a SHUTTERBOOTH! We had tons of fun with athletes and their families at the fest! A BIG Thank You to Moffly Media for bringing us in for the event.



To learn more about this amazing event. check out their website HERE!



 Interested in having a ShutterBooth at your event? Contact us today!

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