Going Coastal at the Cruisport

Oh what a night! We’re not sure who had more fun last Saturday night at Daniel and Michelle’s wedding at the Cruiseport in Gloucester, MA…the guests or our hosts! The fun began with some fantastic speeches from the Maid of Honor and Best Man, and then continued into dinner and on through the night. Guests were able to load up their plates at the pasta, salad and prime rib stations, leaving no one hungry!

Not long after their plates were cleared, we had a line at the ShutterBooth, with everyone anxious to strike their best pose.  Guests were thrilled to use their photo strips to fill their magnet escort cards, which ShutterBooth customized for the newlywed’s seating arrangements.

Our favorite part of the night was the delicious dessert tower, which hosted cannolis, whoopie pies, bon bons, and “classy” chocolate covered strawberries. We loved this unique take on the traditional wedding cake!