How to Rock the Booth | Photobooth 101

Closed eyes, crossed eyes, or no eyes at all (because whats-his-name wasn’t in the picture)… All common woes of the non-photogenic, and therefore, reasons the uninformed might miss out on the fun that ShutterBooth has to offer. To avoid such tragedy, we’ve put together a little 101 for our readers, so you can read, learn and share with your grinning guests.

The set-up | Props and People
Choose your crowd wisely. There is a limit, because there is a frame. And luckily, you can see how your printed photo will look, because the screen shows it to you before it even starts. So, make sure your huge hat or feathery boa isn’t hiding your favorite friend’s face, and do a visual role call to make sure everyone’s eyes are in sight.


Countdown | You’ve got time
We know its hard to know when the picture taker is taking it on 3 or after 3, so ShutterBooth makes it easy to know exactly when your mug gets made. Watch the screen – it counts down from 3, and the shot is captured when you see the flash…so……wait for it!  Finally — no more blinks, winks or sleepy-eyed mistakes.


Posing for Perfection
The best part about ShutterBooth is that you can see your new poses with every frame! So, you can make sure everyone is in and on before every new angle, pose or picture personality. You also have about 5 seconds between each one – plenty of time to swap props, introduce new ones, or mix up the crowd. Get creative!


Smile at the Camera… Not yourself
It’s hard not to admire your pretty faces on the screen, especially when it’s up there the whole time. But, if you’re not looking at the camera, you won’t be in the printed photo either. But don’t sweat, the camera is right above the screen, meaning its easy to find and an easy transition for your peepers. Don’t think you can remember? The booth instructs it – so if you’re eyes are on the screen, it will redirect them to the camera.


Prints and Pride
What happens next? When you’re done donning the latest props and poses, shuttle everyone out of the booth. It only takes a few seconds to get the finished product. Then, you can parade your picture around the place, showing off your savvy ShutterBooth style.

Want to see more examples of fun posing? Visit us on Facebook, now!