Listen To The Wisdom, Ehhem . . .Laughter, Of The Children

Kids are fun because they know how to take just about any situation and make it hilarious just by being themselves.

Teenagers are cool because they know how to make any situation and make it fun via strategic goofiness/sarcasm.

It’s an artform, really, that most of us outgrow by the time we’ve reached our mid-twenties, when the world is ironic enough on its own. But we here at Shutterbooth think there’s something really awesome about the good-natured way youngins manage to laugh at themselves, and consequently bring a smile to the faces of those around them.

We had a genuinely awesome time at the Winter Youth Rally at the Marriott Century Center a couple of weeks ago. Those kids were all about a good time. And it’s pretty much impossible to look through their ShutterYou gallery without giving in to a chuckle. Try it!