A Season For Engagement

It’s the moment women find themselves looking forward to from the time they’re just little girls watching Disney movies. Their prince charming drops to one knee and asks her to spend the rest of her life with him. Every detail of the moment, she’ll remember for the rest of her life, from the look in his eye to the clothes she was  wearing. It’s once in a lifetime.

And it’s that time again. The Christmas Holidays are famous for romantic knee-dropping moments. And every girl who’s gotten in the habt of saying “I love you” to her man, every woman whose thought about when he’s gonna pop the question…they’re all imagining what it might be like to get engaged during the holidays.

And who can blame them? The holidays are the perfect time of year for romance, with all the lights, the music, the general egg-nog and hot chocolate-induced good will.

But regardless of the time of year, there’s nothing quite like having a photographer on hand to capture the special moment. So in honor of all the upcoming holiday celebrating we know some of you lucky girls will be doing, here’s one of the most breathtaking shots of the big moment we’ve ever seen!

Photo Cred: http://ow.ly/i/1cjsj


And for all you ladies who’ve experienced your big moment…post your engagement stories or links to your favorite engagement pic below in the comments!