Hello to all the brides!

Raise your hand if you’re LOVING this glorious tease of fall weather! We certainly are – and it made for a great day to join us at The Inspired Bride on Sunday! Thanks to everyone who stopped by and saw us, to the people who made us laugh with their creative posing ideas and to the slew of great vendors who made this one of the most impressive events you’ve ever seen!

But one thing to note, above ALL else, is that you have two and a half days left to enter the official, You’ve Been Framed contest. How does it work? Head over to StudioWed’s Facebook page, Like them if you haven’t already, Click on the “You’ve Been Framed Contest Page” and upload your snapshot from the event. Then, get AS MANY OF your friends to vote for your pic between now and Friday night!

The pic with the most votes WINS and you’ll receive the TOP DAWG prize for the weekend – A weekend stay at Watercolor Inn!

Get to posting, people!