Popular Photography Practices: Photo Booths

 Popular Photography Practices 

One of today’s Popular Photography Practices are Photo Booths! They seem to be on the rise! They continue to capture our most precious moments after nearly a century despite the popularity of ‘photo friendly’ apps. What makes the use of photo booths so popular? Albuquerque Shutterbooth goes behind the lens to find out!

Popular Photography Practices: Photo Booths Then

An old fashioned Photo Booth

Popular Photography Practices: Photo Booths Now

A modern day Photo Booth compliments of Albuquerque Shutterbooth

A Little Photo History

Where did the use of the photo booth begin? There is likely nothing more magical, timeless, or classic than a beginning on Broadway! In 1925 Siberian immigrant, Anatol Josepho, introduced the Photomaton.

The photo booth had its first taste of popularity in 1953 when Hollywood star, Fred Astaire, sat for a photo! It has become an increasingly popular photography practice since!

Why The Buzz? 

What makes photo booths all the rage in a world where snap chat and Instagram thrive? Well…

  • Intimacy – Photo booths create an intimate space. Couples, friends, and even groups find themselves having to get close for the picture perfect photo op.
  • Instant Access – Photos taken in a photo booth allow participators to receive their photographs immediately following the experience. There is no wait! There is no hour to several hours long way for film development.
Instant hard copy photography

Immediate photography prints are available after each photo booth session!

  • Timeless – This generation as well as previous generations can enjoy all the joy photo booths have to offer. It is an experience for all ages!

To brush up on your photo booth history visit: A Brief History of the Photo Booth

To learn more about why Photo Booths are all the rage go to: Photo Booth Surge