A Prism Of Moods

A Prism Of Moods 

A prism of moods, we live in a colorful world, figuratively speaking. What is your favorite color?  Would you believe that the answer to this question can or may reveal a bit about your personality?

Colors and Mood

The rainbow, or prism of colors has been long believed to evoke a specific emotion or mood. For instance, blue and black are often tones associated with sadness. Red, another color from a prism of moods, is corresponded with anger or passion. Would you believe me if I told you that research has shown that elements such as personal preference, experience, as well as upbringing can have an impact on the effect individual colors have on us?

Seeing as we are all unique people with our own experiences, no two people are going to be effected by colors the exact same way!

Color and Personality

According to Psychology Today’s PMP, Bernardo Tirado, we see the world in three primary colors. Those colors are red, yellow, and blue. As every color we know in the grand prism, or rainbow, is a combination of primary colors this assertion bears some validity. What though does it have to do with personality?


Individuals who choose black as their favorite color are not ones who necessarily fall under the stereotype of an introvert. In actuality, these people are ones who are perceived to be as sensitive and artistic.

Individuals who choose red as their favorite color are  ones who tend to love life, living it to the fullest. They are also determined in their endeavors. 

More Information On Psychology and Color 

Has the prism of moods left you intrigued? Discover more about the psychology of color at one of the following links:

Color Psychology: The Psychology of Color and Its Meaninghttp://www.colorpsychology.org/

Psychology Today: How Colors Influences The Mind – https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/habits-not-hacks/201408/color-psychology-how-colors-influence-the-mind

Psychology Today: What Does The Color You Choose Say About You? – https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/digital-leaders/201106/what-does-the-color-you-choose-say-about-you