Indie Moguls Sundance Party

660x420Moguls 2010.

The upstairs of Snow Park Lodge in Deer Valley was the perfect setting for a happenin’ Sundance Party.  The Indie Moguls 2010 Party was rockin’ and we were onsite with a ShutterBooth to add to the fun and craziness of the evening!  Oxygen Bars, Massage Therapists, Fitness Pole Dancers were just a small taste of what this party had to offer.Our prop box was a HUGE hit and ensured us a line at the photo booth until 1 a.m.  We were the perfect “memento” for guests to remember their evening and Sundance experience.   Visitors were in Park City for the 2010 Sundance Film Festival from all over the country – L.A., NYC, Philly, Atlanta, Orlando, Chicago and we were able to say to every one of them: ‘we have a ShutterBooth office in your area”.  How cool is that?  Definitely exciting for us.  Thank you to all the party sponsors for having us add to your event: Avid, FotoKem, Fuji Film, Iron Mountain Film & Archive, Otto Nemenz, and Raleigh Studios.