Glad to be an Americana | Coca-Cola

We love an excuse to head over to the Sweetwater Brewery. Especially when it involves our other favorite fizzy drink  – Coca Cola! We partnered with the two brands (and Local Three Kitchen and Bar) for A Taste of Americana, a culinary adventure to celebrate and taste different types of food from different areas of the U.S.

“The crowd was a fun mix of international folk!” said Kaytee, our hostess for the evening. “Everyone was excited and enthusiastic – especially about jumping into the booth.”

In fact, they LOVED the booth! (Hey, it shows.) “They really loved getting a ton of people into the frame and interacting with the location they were able to choose for the green screen!” Kaytee said. Guests could photogenically transport themselves to The Big Apple, Las Vegas, The Liberty Bell, Hollywood, the Statue of Liberty or The White House.

“I loved seeing them so excited!” Kaytee said. “They were so amused and people were so silly – they cracked up at each others’ flubs and silliness!”

Here’s a glimpse into the green screen gregariousness!


2015. 2015. 2015. 2015. 2015.