Pictures Come Alive NEW Animated Gifs


Pictures Come Alive NEWAnimated Gifs

Pictures come alive Shutterbooth ABQ introduces NEW Animated Gifs! Life in action, capturing moments of movement is probably one of the biggest challenges in photography. Thanks to modern technology and exceptional photography  you can now have an eye popping, animated, photo experience! Like our picture prints, we can bring your photos to life in a number of ways with our animated gifs.

Photography In Motion

We have got it all! Add movement to your pictures with our fully animated overlays as well as backgrounds. From brightly flaring fireworks to shooting stars, we have a selection of wonderfully motioned overlays and backgrounds that will draw the eye and capture hearts. Know no limitations with our seamlessly integrated green screen to create full spring of motion fun for you and your guests!

Animated GIFS

Your photo experience can go leaps and bounds with our green screen!

Go 3D! Another spectacular feature to our new Gifs is it can go 3D. Shutterbooth ABQ has some amazing optical effects that carry fun filled element of surprise. Nothing cracks a smile quite like a photo that jumps out at you!  We are saving the best for last. These fabulously active animated pictures are ones you can also customize!

That’s right!  You can customize!

Our design specialist can help you create a truly unique and personalized look for all of your animated Gifs.

More New Arrivals

While this is all good news, there is more! In addition to our new animated gifs, Shutterbooth ABQ is proud to present the Shutterpod!

Because this booth is so tiny it packs quite the punch, hence its name. Shutterpod is an interactive photo experience that takes photography to the next level!

To learn more about these awesome new features go to: Shutterbooth Services

Think of the possibilities!